Fiddler on the Roof
26th - 31st March 2007
Grand Theatre, Lancaster
Production Photos
Music by Jerry Bock
Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick
Based on Scholom Aleichem's stories, by special permission of Arnold Perl
The year is 1905 and a Jewish community in Tsarist Russia is trying to eke out a living in its shtetl in the village of Anatevka. Tevye is a milkman who has a personal relationship with God in whom he confides all. He strives, very hard, to keep up the traditions of his faith, race and culture. He has five daughters, itself a problem but what is more pressing is trying to find husbands for the eldest three children.
Yente, the matchmaker, does her best, but with no money, no dowry to offer she finds that her work is very difficult.
Tzeitel rejects the butcher Lazar Wolf, to whom Tevye has promised her. She has her heart set on the young, impecunious tailor, Motel. The "new way" is that children shall decide partners for themselves but will Golde, Tevye's wife accept this change in traditional values? Tevye conjures up a dream the relating of which he attempts to persuade Golde that Lazar Wolf is not a good match and that Grandmother would much prefer her granddaughter to marry the tailor.
Golde is persuaded and that is the first chink in the breakdown of traditional values. At the wedding ceremony between Motel and Tzeitel, there is a pogrom, an anti-Jewish demonstration, orchestrated by the Chief of Police which casts into doubt the stability of Jewish life in Tsarist Russia. It is certainly a portent for things to come.
Tevye's second daughter, Hodel, has fallen in love with Perchik, a political student, an activist against the repressive regime. Tevye refuses to give his permission for Hodel and Perchik to marry but they inform Tevye that they do not wish to seek his permission to marry but merely his blessing. Traditions are obviously changing. Later, Perchik is arrested and is to be sent to Siberia. Hodel intends to join him. She promises her father they will be married, under a canopy, in the traditional Jewish way, Her father accompanies her to the railway station to bid her farewell.
Chava, Tevye's third eldest daughter has fallen for Fyedka, a Russian soldier. Not only is he Russian, he is not a Jew and the bending of tradition this far is something that Tevye cannot reconcile himself to. From this point on, Chava ceases to be his daughter and is shunned.
Meanwhile, Anatevka itself is under threat. The Jews are being forced to leave their homes and many of them decide to go to live in America where many of them have friends and relations. That is to where Tevye and Golde and the two youngest children are to go. Motel and Tzeitel, who now have a child of their own, will join them. Chava and Fyedka, wanted by neither Jew nor Russian, go to live in Poland.
The Fiddler on the Roof, the indomitable spirit of the Jewish people will live on in all of them.
It's A Family Affair
When the cast of Fiddler on the Roof takes to the stage next March for the 2007 L.A.D.O.S. production, there will be a strong sense of déja vue for several members of the cast.
It is 34 years since Lancaster Amateur Dramatic and Operatic Society last brought this show to the Grand Theatre Lancaster, but for Rodney Webb, Sylvia Rogerson and Audrey Tarney the years will roll back to the 1973 production when Rodney was a member of the chorus, and Sylvia and Audrey played two of Tevye and Golde's daughters, namely Tzeitel and Chava respectively.
A third daughter, Hodel was at that time played by Peggy Brierley, who is directing the 2007 production. It's something of a family affair, as Peggy's husband David has a cameo role as the Priest, daughter Suzanne Ward will play the part of the Fiddler, son-in-law, Kevin plays Lazar Wolf, a would-be suitor to Tzeitel, grandson Christopher Ward who plays one of the young boys in the show, and grandaughter Phillippa Brierley, who shares the role of Shprintze, one of the younger daughters, with Nicole Simpson, whose mum Karen plays the part of Golde. In 1973, Golde was played by Margaret Hartley, who retired as the L.A.D.O.S. secretary in 2004, but is still an active member of the society. The parts of the two youngest daughters of the family were taken in 1973 by two real life sisters, Sarah and Jane Whiteside. This time however, Jane's daughter, Rachel Hartley will be one of the two children taking on the part of Bielke, the role her mother played last time round. The girl sharing this role with Rachel is Helen Ashton, and dad Dominic Ashton will be our Stage Manager for this production.
This will be Peggy's 22nd production for L.A.D.O.S. but sadly, her last, as she is hanging up her producer's sweatshirt, and taking a well-earned retirement, so we felt that this would be a fitting show for her to end her producing/directing career on.
- TevyeBryan Wood
- GoldeKaren Simpson
- TzeitelJenny Griffiths
- HodelSophie Hughes
- ChavaLydia Harrington
- ShprintzePip Brierley, Nichole Simpson
- BielkeHelen Ashton, Rachel Hartley
- YenteGinny Scott
- Lazar WolfKevin Ward
- MotelRichard Prescott
- PerchikJohn Beamer
- FyedkaJames Catmore
- Grandma TzeitelSylvia Rogerson
- Fruma SarahJoanne Metcalfe
- Mordcha (Innkeeeper)Alec Crouch
- RabbiAlan Hargreaves
- MendelDavid Eddowes
- Avram (Bookseller)Matt Weaver
- YusselRodney M Webb
- Shandel (Motel's mother)Patricia (Pat) Chambers
- The FiddlerSuzanne Ward
- PriestDavid Brierley
- ConstableDominic Ashton
- Nachum (Beggar)James Catmore
Producer | Peggy Brierley |
Musical Director | Angela Pearson |
Choreography (Chava sequence) | Nicola Brierley |
Stage Manager | Dominic Ashton |
Sound & Lighting | Paul Mullineaux, Ian Norton, Andrew Kayll |
Props | Cliff Beckett, Dawn Naylor |
Prompt | Hazel Beckett |
Wardrobe | Peggy Brierley, Audrey Tarney, June Derham |
Front of House Manager | David Brierley, June Derham |
Publicity & Programme Committee | Dawn Baxter, Cliff Beckett, Hazel Beckett, Jane Silvester, Audrey Tarney |
Photographer | Cliff Beckett |
Keyboard / MD | Angela Pearson |
Clarinet | Elizabeth Bateman |
Trumpet | Adrian Boardman |
Trombone | Glenn Clifford |
2nd Violin | Gillian Dalgleish, Becky Byron |
Percussion | Geoff Edkins |
Lead Violin | Mary Gibson, Jill Jackson |
Viola | Alice Holmes |
Flute | Joanna Jeffreys |
Guitar | Sean Parker |
President | Malcolm McIllmurray |
Secretary | Audrey Tarney |
Treasurer | Frank Dewhurst |
Chairman | Alan Hargreaves |
Vice-Chairman | Sylvia Rogerson |
Membership Secretary | Jenny Griffiths |
Committee Member | Hazel Beckett, June Derham, Joanne Metcalfe, Bryan Wood, Peggy Brierley |
Archivist | Margaret Hartley |
Music by Jerry Bock
Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick
Based on Scholom Aleichem's stories, by special permission of Arnold Perl
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